Sandy Cheeks

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SpongeBob SquarePants Sandy Cheeks.jpg
Sandra "Sandy" Cheeks
First Appearance: "Tea at the Treedome"
Gender: Female
Species: Squirrel
Color: Brown
Eye Color: Black
Weight: Unknown
Interests: Science, karate, surfing, weight-lifting, extreme sports, and Texas culture
Aliases: Miss Appear, Landy, San-day, Sandra, Miss Cheeks, Miss Alien Pants

Sandy Cheeks is a main character in the series. She is an athletic and clever squirrel from the state of Texas. To survive underwater, she lives in a glass bubble called the Treedome. Sandy is a bit of a daredevil and loves extreme sports. Her other hobbies include practicing karate, conducting scientific experiments, and surfing. Sandy is voiced by Carolyn Lawrence.


Character Description

Sandy comes from the state of Texas, and exhibits many characteristics of a stereotypical "southwestern" squirrel. She uses typical slang words and phrases of a western cowgirl. She is very fond of her homeland and its culture, as most notably seen in the episode "Texas", in which she grows homesick for it. In that same episode, she becomes furious at SpongeBob and Patrick's bad remarks about Texas, and violently attacks them when they continue to insult it.

Sandy is one of the most intelligent and level-headed characters on the show. She is a multi-talented scientist and inventor, and originally came to Bikini Bottom to study sea creatures and their lifestyles. In "Chimps Ahoy", it is revealed that she is employed by a trio of monkeys from the surface, named Dr. Marmalade, Lord Reginald and Professor Percy. They exhibit stereotypical upper-class English accents and manners, and periodically visit Bikini Bottom to audit her scientific research. As an inventor, Sandy is capable of creating extremely advanced devices with ease. Her inventions include a manned space ship, a teleporter, a submarine that can shrink to microscopic size and go inside a person's body, and even a cloning device.


She lives in an air-filled habitat structure called the Treedome (a polyurethane dome containing a tree, living quarters and various other land plants). When outside of the Treedome, Sandy wears an air-filled suit that looks much like an astronaut's space suit; while in her Treedome, she wears a purple bikini with green frills in the bottom section. Sandy is one of the physically strongest creatures in Bikini Bottom. She can even pull down gigantic ships and boats from the surface of the ocean as seen in "Sandy, SpongeBob, and the Worm".

Sandy is strongly competitive and a little preoccupied with her reputation. In "Sandy, SpongeBob, and the Worm," she completely ignores SpongeBob's warnings about the Alaskan Bull Worm and tells him that she is "too Texas tough," only to discover the hard way that the bull worm is indeed too much for her to handle. Similarly, in "Pressure," she boasts that land creatures are better than sea creatures and almost drowns after removing her helmet to prove it.

In "Chimps Ahoy", she is visited in Bikini Bottom by her patrons, a group of air-breathing monkeys by the names of: Dr. Marmalade, Lord Reginald and Professor Percy from the surface (with upper-class English accents and manners) who stop by to audit her scientific research in the Treedome. As seen in the episode "Wormy," Sandy has a multitude of pets in her dome, including a caterpillar (later a butterfly), a snake, crickets, mice, and birds.

SpongeBob sometimes becomes jealous of the attention Sandy gives to other friends and once wrote a song (notably in the episode 'Ripped Pants') about how he "lost his girl" and "someone stole his girl" because of his ripped pants; also, early in the series, SpongeBob takes great pains to impress Sandy and possibly considers their special get-togethers in Sandy's bubble dates. Sandy is also shown to be a companion of Larry the Lobster in scenarios reminiscent of casual dating (it was Larry who "stole" Sandy away from SpongeBob in 'Ripped Pants').

It is revealed that Sandy has a really giant monster form. During hibernation, she mutates into a very huge, muscular, lion-like, monstrous squirrel in "Survival of the Idiots". She mistook SpongeBob for Pinhead Larry and Patrick for Dirty Dan. One of Sandy's male relatives (from Scotland) appeared in "Stanley S. SquarePants".


Sandy is most commonly seen wearing her suit for oxygen when she is outside of her Treedome. The suit is white, and with a yellow patch that has an acorn on it. It also has two red and blue rings on each sleeve. The suit comes with a circular glass helmet (but it does not have an oxygen tank) with a pink and yellow flower on it. She also wears boots with one red dot on each side of them.


Sandy loves karate. Her karate gear is green, where as SpongeBob's is red and has a hat fit for his square head. Sandy also plays guitar. She played a guitar in Band Geeks and played acoustic guitar during the Texas song, Lights, Camera, Pants! and Atlantis SquarePantis (episode & game). Sandy loves science. Some of her inventions include a teleporter, a nut communication device and a thing that can transport food to the stomach. Also, in "Ditchin'", she was an expert at playing badminton, and together with her partner, Dale, they were an unstoppable team, until SpongeBob and Patrick beat them at their own game. Her favorite foods are acorns, Krabby Patties, volcano hot sauce, barnacle-loaf sandwiches with mustard (seen in "Karate Choppers") and pasta (seen in "Atlantis SquarePantis") .


Sandy became one of SpongeBob's best friends after saving him from a giant clam ("Tea at the Treedome"). The clam first tried to eat Sandy, but almost ate SpongeBob after he tried to save her. She enjoys participating in various activities with him (including karate). Sandy and SpongeBob save each other in newer episodes from i.e. Udon's "bodyguards" (Karate Island) and Bullfrog (Rodeo Daze). Sandy is also a friend to Patrick. Although it is shown she can be very annoyed with him, the two are still pretty good friends.

Sandy and Squidward have had very little interaction, but when they are together, they get along. One of their earliest meetings was in "Squidtastic Voyage" when Sandy helps Squidward retrieve his clarinet reed from his throat. In The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water, she carries Squidward to safety after he is almost crushed by skating humans.

Sandy and Sheldon Plankton's relationship is strained by his villainous behavior (best shown in episodes like "Someone's in the Kitchen with Sandy" when he steals her fur in a plan to steal the Krabby Patty secret formula). Sandy gets along much better with Karen because they both have a love for science. Episodes like "Perfect Chemistry," "Salsa Imbecilicus" and "Girls' Night Out" show Sandy and Karen working together as friends. Despite this, Karen has no trouble telling Plankton to enslave the entire town (including Sandy) in the first movie.


Inventions made

Teleporter - Enables anything, living or non-living, to be transported to any location. This invention was seen in "SquidBob TentaclePants" and went horribly wrong.

Molecular Separator Ray - Separates the molecules of something (like the fused SpongeBob and Squidward), and in the episode "SquidBob TentaclePants" separates SpongeBob and Squidward, but then Squidward makes it combine all the surrounding creatures, including SpongeBob, Squidward, Patrick, Pearl, etc which was a big issue!

Nut Communicator - Allows communication to a nut. SpongeBob used it in "Chimps Ahoy" and the nut said "It's dark in here." when it was speaking to SpongeBob

Nuttacino Machine - Makes "Nuttacinos" out of any nut of your choosing. Sandy demonstrates it with the nut SpongeBob communicated with, and with still having the Nut Communicator on, SpongeBob heard it die. Also seen in the episode "Chimps Ahoy".

Robot Nutcracker - A robot built to crack nuts. However, it can't do so, but it can peel bananas for the chimps.

Rocket - The complex rocket Sandy built to travel to the Moon in the episode "Sandy's Rocket". SpongeBob and Patrick went inside it.

Submarine - The submarine Sandy shrunk to microscopic size in the episode "Squidtastic Voyage". It is very high tech.

Robot- Sandy's favorite invention from the episode What Ever Happened To SpongeBob?. It played with her until SpongeBob came and tripped and shot at it with water causing Sandy to call SB "Idiot Boy!" from anger.

The Knock-Out Ray - A spy gadget that knocks out things. She wouldn't let SpongeBob and Patrick use the other Spy Gadgets, so Patrick used it on her so he and SpongeBob could use the other gadgets on Plankton in Spy Buddies.


  • Sandy's voice actress, Carolyn Lawrence, also voices Tina and Cindy Vortex on the show The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius. Both Cindy and Sandy both practice martial arts. However, Cindy practices tae-kwon-do, while Sandy practices karate.
  • The appearance of Sandy's spacesuit changed from the first season to the second:
    • The logo on the patch of Sandy's spacesuit varies between three black dots in season one, and an acorn from the second season onwards.
    • In season one, Sandy did not have a tail visible through her suit.
  • It is revealed in the episode Patrick SmartPants that Sandy's first name is Sandra. She is called "Sandra" again in Atlantis SquarePantis.
  • During season four, Sandy is a full-time scientist, but earlier episodes contradict this.
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