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Revision as of 04:36, 12 August 2012

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Today is Friday, March 14. Now is year 2025.

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Template:A SquarePants Family Vacation

Dunces and Dragons

Characters: SpongeBobPatrickMauriceMaurice's WifeLeech (Ancestor of Gary) • Squidly (Ancestor of Squidward) • Princess Pearl (Ancestor of Pearl) • King Krabs (Ancestor of Mr. Krabs) • Dark Knight (Ancestor of Sandy) • Planktonamor (Ancestor of Plankton) • Dragon Jellyfish (Ancestor of Jellyfish King) • Black Smith
Locations: Ye Olde Folks HomeMedieval MomentsYe Olde Bowling AlleyBlacksmith
Songs: Squidly's Songs
Food: Mutton

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