Gary the Snail

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Gary the Snail
Species: Snail
Nickname: Gare bear
Address: 124 Conch Street, Bikini Bottom, Pacific Ocean
Gender: Male
Eye Color: Red and Black
Color: Pink Shell, Blue Body
First appearance: Help Wanted
Voiced By: Tom Kenny
Favourite Foods:

Gary the Snail is SpongeBob's pet House Snail who is voiced by Tom Kenny. Gary can only speak in a "meow" noise, while sea worms in the show commonly bark which indicates that snails are the ocean equivalent of cats and worms are dogs. In some episodes Gary has been known to say something other than "meow" but this is rare. Gary is the sixth main character of the show.

In Opposite Day Gary attempted to do the opposite of his stereotypes by barking like a dog.

In The Secret Box, Gary responded to SpongeBob's question with "Meow-no". SpongeBob didn't think much of it and replied "Aaw, what do you know? You're A Snail!" SpongeBob didn't recognize it as special meaning this isn't the first time Gary spoke. In The Movie, The Citizens of Bikini Bottom were chanting "All Hail Plankton", while Gary chanted monotoniously "Meow Plankton".

In many episodes, it has been indicated that Gary is very intelligent, the biggest hint of which was in Sleepy Time where Gary spoke in his dream (that SpongeBob was intervening) and sounded very old and wise. He had an extensive library which is a possible metaphor for intelligence. Typically, because he is smart, he is not very athletic and contant exercise and physical work makes him tired and wheeze meaning he is a possible asthmatic. He is a domesticated housepet with similair mannerisms to a cat but also is said to be royal blood as seen in Rule of Dumb. Curiously in Rule of Dumb, it proves that Gary and Patrick are cousins, as their Fathers were brothers.

It is suggested that SpongeBob had Gary when he lived with his parents as a young boy. As seen in Gary Takes a Bath, Gary can levitate and teleport, possibly meaning that psychic powers run in the Star family, as Patrick also has psychic abilities. Gary didn't appear again after the episode: Help Wanted until the episodes, Plankton! and Boating School. Gary has been to many places including the large Bass Vegas.

Gary had a very minor role in the episode, Atlantis SquarePantis, but all of his family and relatives who were partying with him are shown. Gary was seen blowing on a happy birthday paper flute and was wearing a party hat. Gary is also a very good musician, although he wasn't part of Squidward's band in the episode, Band Geeks. In The Paper, he played Squidward's Clarinet very well, and Squidward was confused by this. In Procrastination, Gary played the trumpet. In Something Smells, Gary played the violin to make SpongeBob cry while chopping onions because SpongeBob told him to.

Gary is usually left home all alone very numerously, and it seems that he's always okay. However, in Have You Seen This Snail? he couldn't. Sometimes, he is very lonely. In The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie, he was left alone for probably a whole week, after the morning when Plankton was being arrested, but in Have You Seen This Snail?, he suffered hunger for 10 days and 1 night. In the episode, Clams, he was left out for 3 days, and ate the sofa.


Gary Focused Episodes

  • I Was a Teenage Gary: Gary is the main character in the beginning and middle. At the end, it belongs to SpongeSnail.
  • Dumped: Gary runs away home to Patrick Star in order to get the cookie out of his pocket than be with SpongeBob.
  • Gary Takes a Bath: Gary tries to escape SpongeBob's plans to get him clean exactly quick.
  • The Great Snail Race: SpongeBob becomes a strict ditactor and is obsessed in winning the race trophy with Gary's body.
  • Have You Seen This Snail?: Gary finds a new monster owner to get well fed. Later, he learns a lesson......
  • Once Bitten: Gary is infected by Squidwárd's lousy wooden log, and bites Bikini Bottomites including SpongeBob!
  • Fungus Among Us: Although Gary is not the main protagonist, he does make the solution by eating away the Ick.
  • Shell Shocked: Gary's shell has broken and SpongeBob needs to find him a new one.
  • Gary in Love: Gary falls in love with a snail called Mary.

Rivalry with Squidward Tentacles

  • In I Was a Teenage Gary, the ignorant Squidward lied to SpongeBob that he'll feed Gary. Gary very nearly died of thrist*In The Great Snail Race, he raced against Squidward's snail, Snellie.
  • In Once Bitten, Squidward made lots and lots of Anti-Snail wooden logs. A log got inside Gary's foot and he got a splinter. Gary went out of control because the splinter or log really hurt, and bit Squidward.
  • In The Thing, it is revealed that Gary attacked Squidward and nearly killed Squidward too. When Squidward turned into the thing, Gary nearly killed Squidward again.
  • In Can You Spare a Dime?, Gary calls Squidward a big loser as Squidward calls him other bad names.
  • In Patty Caper, when SpongeBob blames Gary for supposedly stealing the secret ingredient to the Krabby Patty, Gary describes another suspect-- Squidward, and, based on the picture Patrick had drawn of him, Gary must think Squidward is very ugly.


  • Gary is vaccinated for Rabies, Snail Pox, Soft Shell Dance, Bagitis, Lumpy-Bump Trump and Teen Angst.
  • In All that Glitters, it is shown that Gary has a large diamond under his shell.
  • In Your Shoe's Untied, it is shown that Gary has a record player under his shell.
  • In Karate Island, when SpongeBob is waxing Gary's shell, he finds his favorite novelty t-shirt that says "I love Krabby Patties" under his shell.
  • Gary's favorite food is Snail-Po which SpongeBob once tasted.
  • Also in Your Shoe's Untied, Gary is revealed to have feet.
  • Gary can say the words "Plankton","yeah!" and "No"
  • Also to illustrate Gary's antagonism towards Squidward, in I Was a Teenage Gary, when SpongeBob answers the door, to Squidward, holding Gary, Gary hisses at him.
  • Gary has arms as seen in Have You Seen This Snail?, The Gift of Gum, and Grooming Gary.
  • In Rule of Dumb, it is revealed that Gary is the king of Bikini Bottom.


The Krusty Krab

Owner: Eugene H. Krabs

Major Employees: SpongeBob SquarePantsSquidward TentaclesCashy

Minor Employees: JimPatrick StarPatriciaSandy CheeksPearl KrabsGary the SnailCarlStanley SquarePantsNot SpongeBobPirates (Grandpappy the Pirate)

Variations: Krusty Kantina5 Star Krusty KrabKrabby O' MondaysThe Kuddly KrabThe Krusty SpongeKrusty TowersThe Krusty Krab 2

Machines: Trash ChuteDishwasherCashyKrusty Krab's TVDJ SystemPatty GadgetPinch-o-MaticIce MachinePrinting Press

Food: Krabby PattyCoral BitsKiddie MealPipsqueak PattyKrusty DogKelp FriesMonster Krabby PattyKrusty Krab PizzaJim PattyKrusty Kids MealPattyChopper BurgerNasty PattyKrabby Patty Ice StatueKelp RingsFrozen Krabby Patty

Other: Krusty Krab KeyKrusty Krab StandKrusty Krab PlaysetThe Customers Of The Krusty KrabKrusty Krab Industries Labor AgreementKrusty Krab's VideoroomKrusty Krab's Air VentsPatty PalEugene Krabs Memorial Wishing WellDrive-thruSpongeBob's Annual Employee Report CardBonnet from Krusty KrabPatty VaultUtensil StandKrabby KronicleKrabby Land Park

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