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Bubble Buddy (Character)
The Charecter Bubble Buddy is shown in the episode: Bubble Buddy. When Spongebob blows Bubble Buddy up, he just looks like four bubbles joint together.

Looks (at start) Bubble buddy doesn't look like much at first he only has: two arms like bubbles, two legs like bubbles, a average size body bubble and a head.
Near the end of the episode "Bubble buddy", When Squidward is about to poke Bubble buddy with a pin (to pop him) bubble buddy reaches and grabs squidwards hand and stops him.
Looks (at end) After Bubble buddy stops Squidward, bubble buddy pops up a suitcase and a hat (whitch both are bubbles) and walks into a bubble taxi that then he drives away in.
According To
According to the episode, Bubble Buddy is extremely fussy. SpongeBob was constantly telling Squidward to change the patties so they would be to Bubble Buddies liking. He also Payes Mr. Krabs in Bubble Money which infuriates him. After eating at the Krusty Krab, the two friends go to the lovely Goo Lagoon. They cause serious amounts of trouble like Staying in the 'Port O Head' for 2 hours, Drowning Scooter (Comes Back In Later Episodes) and offending people. Ufortunately, the town of Bikini Bottom had enough of Bubble Buddy and they all tried to 'POP HIM'
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