Episode Transcript: Glove World R.I.P.

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Episode Article: Glove World R.I.P.

(At SpongeBob's Pineapple)

(SpongeBob is reading a book in his library when a cart from a roller coaster of Glove World full of Glove World costumers come crashing through his library wall, knocking down a whole shelf full of books. It takes SpongeBob a few seconds to notice.)

SpongeBob:(slams book shut)Ah, guests. Could I offer you some lemonade?(blinks twice)

Billy:(angrily) Man, that has to the worst amusement park ever been to! I mean, we're lucky to escape with our lives.

Harold:(angrily) I agree! The world would be a much better place when Glove World is gone for good!(everybody in the cart applauds.)

SpongeBob: Excuse me, did you just mention Glove World?

Billy: Yeah, Glove World. They're gonna close it... tomorrow. Forever!

SpongeBob: Close Glove World? Has the world gone mad?!

Billy: Well, it depends on your definition-

SpongeBob: I'm sorry, I gotta go! (frantic squeals)

Billy: What about our lemonade?

(SpongeBob is heading to Patrick's Rock to tell him what he heard.)

SpongeBob:(sweating) Patrick!

Patrick: I can't come out now, SpongeBob, I'm taking a shower.

SpongeBob: But, Patrick, it's Glove World. They're gonna-

Patrick: Glove World?

SpongeBob: Patrick, wait!

(They, Patrick and SpongeBob, are now at Glove World)

SpongeBob: There it is, Patrick. Glove World.

Patrick: Look at that guy. He must be the owner.

SpongeBob: Uh-huh, come on. (walks up to owner with Patrick.)Excuse us, sir. We heard a horrible rumor that you're going to close Glove World forever.

Patrick: Close Glove World? Has the world gone mad?! (scene cuts to behind Patrick's naked body.)

Owner: Here son, take this. You don't want to catch a cold. (the owner hands Patrick his glove hat)

Patrick: (Patrick is struggling and trying his hardest to put that glove on.) Feels good.

SpongeBob: Ooh, that looks glovley on you, Patrick.

Patrick: Fits like a glove.

SpongeBob: Glove size fits all.

Patrick: A penny saved is a penny gloved.

SpongeBob: You can lead a glove to glove, but you can't make him glove.

Patrick: She gloves me, she gloves me not.

SpongeBob: All's fair in glove and war.

Patrick: Glove, glove, glove, glove, glove, glove, glove, GLOVE, GLOVE, GLOVE, GLOVE, GLOVE, GLOVE, GLOVE, GLOVE, GLOVE, GLOVE, GLOVE, glove.

Owner: Wow. Enjoy the hat. Now if you folks will excuse me, I have a rickity old amusement park to close down.

SpongeBob: Then the rumors are true. You are gonna close down Glove World.

Owner: Yup.

SpongeBob and Patrick: (SpongeBob and Patrick wiggle a little, then scream.) Nooooo! (The owner covers his ears.)

Owner: I understand your concern but really-

SpongeBob and Patrick: Noooooo!!!!!!

(It backs up on Glove World, revealing that the whole amusement park could hear them.)

SpongeBob: Oh, please Mr. Soon-To-Be-Ex-Owner of Glove World, could you see it in your heart, to let us ride all our favorite rides just one last time?

Patrick: For old times' ride's sake?

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