Transcript: Sandy’s Vacation in Ruins

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Short Article: Sandy's Vacation in Ruins



(the short begins with SpongeBob and Sandy on the bus)

SpongeBob: I can't wait to see the ancient rains, I even brought an umbrella. (opens umbrella)

Sandy: Ancient ruins, not rains. (the bus stops. Everyone gets out of the bus and goes to the ancient ruins. Sandy takes a photo using her camera)

SpongeBob: Gee, Sandy! I can't wait to see the inside. (bubble-wipe to SpongeBob and Sandy inside the ancient ruins)

Sandy: Behold! The uncharted caverns of Lemuria. Now remember, SpongeBob, this place is filled with delicate artifacts, don't touch anything.

SpongeBob: (smiles) Hey look, an ancient Lemurian toilet plunger, (pulls the lever) he-he sorry. (a twisted pentagon entrance appears. Sandy and SpongeBob walk inside) This place is sure a Brain Twister.

Sandy: I'm losing track of which way is up in here.

SpongeBob: Oh, I'd say up is... (points his finger behind them) Oh, that way.

Sandy: Up is that way?

SpongeBob: Yep.

Sandy: Then that means... (screen turns sideways) Oh, boy. (both fall and scream. They eventually stop falling. SpongeBob is still screaming, but then stops slowly) We're okay, SpongeBob?

SpongeBob: Oh! OK.

SpongeBob and Sandy: (they walk into a different room) Wow!

Sandy: Looks like some sort of control module or maybe a holographic projector. (places her hands on the activation circles) Whoops! Well, I guess we're gonna find out what this doohickey does. (machine opens)

SpongeBob: (a diamond prism comes out) Ooh, purty.

Sandy: SpongeBob, no! (the prism fires a laser) Look out! (the laser hits the top of Sandy's tail and its hair and skin burn off)

SpongeBob: What's it doing? (the laser hits a crystal and aims at two diamonds. They soon come out the walls in tubes and make direct contact)

Sandy: This place sure got a friendlying hurry. (three pieces of the tube spin. When it stops, three holes pop out three steel balls) Duck! (she and SpongeBob duck. The three balls land in three robot bodies. Their faces and arms come out and go to SpongeBob and Sandy)

SpongeBob: Aw! Look, cute. (two robots trap him and Sandy inside magic bubbles) Kinda reminds me of bubble blowing. (the bubbles rise up. The three robots, Sandy and SpongeBob go into a new room. The bubbles pop and Sandy and SpongeBob crash)

Sandy: Whoa, what is this place?

Robot #1: You now stand in the most sacred place in all of Lemuria.

SpongeBob: (walks up to a glowing sculpture) Mesmerizing.

Robot #1: I see you are an art lover, the sculpture of the Sphere Laser Dichotomy. It really holds the room together.

Sandy: I didn't realize the Lemurias were a race of robots.

Robot #1: Not originally. (flashback begins) The Lemurias actually created us as a legion of janitor bots, and that's what we did until the great disaster. (a huge explosion is seen) But, when we realized that we were the only survivors, we took it upon ourselves to maintain the technology and customs of the once great civilization. (flashback ends) That's not to say it's been easy, it's been a couple of millennia.

SpongeBob: Ooh! Really, really, mesmerizing. (touches the sculpture, destroying it. The ruins start to fall apart)

Robot #1: You fools, what have you done? We told you, it really holds the room together.

SpongeBob: Sorry, I didn't think you meant it literally! (cut to the Ruins, which have collapsed. Everyone gasps. Time card appears)

French Narrator: Two days later...

SpongeBob: (he and Sandy survived the disaster) Gee, I feel bad for those poor robots, they worked so hard to keep this place clean.

Sandy: Speaking of which.

Robot #1: (the robots are doing a campfire) Those two idiots.

SpongeBob: Oh, please forgive me robots, I didn't mean to ruin your ruins.

Robot #1: Oh, what's the point. Our way of life has been destroyed, we no longer have a purpose. (the robots move to a different spot)

Robot #3: Looks like a good place to just dry out in the sun. (the robots shut themselves down)

SpongeBob: Hey, hey, don't be down. I know just the thing to get you out of this funk. (bubble-wipe to the Krusty Krab. SpongeBob and Mr. Krabs walk into the restroom) How's it going, guys?

Robot #2: Wonderful.

Robot #3: Very fulfilled!

Robot #1: (uses his toilet plunger) Thank you, you have restored our dignity.

Mr. Krabs: Uh, how much are these tin cans gonna cost me?

SpongeBob: Not a penny, they're just doing what they were made to do.

Mr. Krabs: No thanks, SpongeBob, I'm already not paying you to clean the toilets.

SpongeBob: Oh, but Mr. Krabs, I did accidentally destroy their way of life.

Mr. Krabs: (laughs) Just fooling, sonny, and besides, why would I start saying no to free labor now? (he, SpongeBob, and the three robots laugh as the short ends)

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