Squid Wood (Episode)

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Squid Wood is a SpongeBob SquarePants episode from season four. File:Mini-original-sponge.jpg

Characters Present:



Customers at the Krusty Krab

  • Evelyn
  • Fred
  • Mini Squidward
  • Mini SpongeBob


SpongeBob constantly annoys Squidward (as usual) when he wants to play a game. When Squidward shouts angrily at SpongeBob he will never play with him, SpongeBob makes a toy Squidward instead. Squidward is happy at first that SpongeBob won't bother him, but the toy Squidward starts to impress people with talents far greater than the original Squidward's. Eventually he takes Squidward's job (then his own house and possessions), dances for the Krusty Krab and is paid $1,000,000 for a dancing act. Squidward is furious and starts to attack Mini-Squidward. Then a man shows up. He takes Mini-Squidward and Mini-Squidward had took Squidward's dream. Jules Scartedse Plays "Lola"


  • Squidward: All right, now who has the Krabby Patty & who has the krabby patty? See... 'cause... they're both........ krabby.

Mini Squidward: Hello Squidward.

  • Patrick: Squidward, you look a little different. Wow. Have you been working out?

SpongeBob: Actually, Patrick. This is...

Patrick: D'oh! Wait, SpongeBob. I know. You shaved your beard.

  • Squidward: It's called I will never play with you EVER!!


  • 12 Angry Jellyfish is a spoof to 12 Angry Men.
  • This episode aired in Germany, then in the UK before the US.
  • In the UK, this episode aired along with "The Pink Purlonier".

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