Howard Blandy

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Howard Blandy in "Selling Out"
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Howard Blandy is the president and owner of the Blandy Franchising Company. He has successfully closed many small family businesses. His phone number on his Business card reads (555) 123 7213. Mr. Krabs worships him. Blandy is ruthlessly responsible for takeovers of every small family business. Once he bought the Krusty Krab, he renovated it and called it Krabby O Mondays, making the boss a fish named Carl. He also appears as a black-haired variant cameo fish in The Nitwitting.


[edit] Looks

Howard Blandy is a solid green fish whose face is a bit droopy and angry. He has light green hair and he wears a black suit. Under that is a purple shirt and purple tie.

[edit] Voice

Tom Kenny voices him (as seen in the credits of "Selling Out")

[edit] Attitude

Howard Blandy is quite arrogant and he speaks with no expression or feeling.

[edit] Appearances

[edit] Trivia

  • He is a parody of Donald Trump, a real-life billionaire businessman and 45th President of the USA.
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