Transcript: Sandy’s Vacation in Ruins

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Episode Article: Sandy's Vacation in Ruins



[The short begins with SpongeBob and Sandy on the bus.]

SpongeBob: I can't wait to see the ancient rains, I even brought an umbrella. [opens umbrella]

Sandy: Ancient ruins, not rains. [the bus stops, everyone gets out of the bus and goes to the ancient ruins, Sandy takes a photo using her camera]

SpongeBob: Gee, Sandy! I can't wait to see the inside.

[The scene cuts to SpongeBob and Sandy inside the ancient ruins.]

Sandy: Behold! The uncharted caverns of Lemuria. Now remember, SpongeBob, this place is filled with delicate artifacts, don't touch anything.

SpongeBob: [smiles] Hey look, an ancient Lemurian toilet plunger, [SpongeBob pulls the lever] he-he sorry. [a twisted pentagon entrance appears, Sandy and SpongeBob walk inside] This place is sure a Brain Twister.

Sandy: I'm losing track of which way is up in here.

SpongeBob: Oh, I'd say up is... [points his finger behind them] Oh, that way.

Sandy: Up is that way?

SpongeBob: Yep.

Sandy: Then that means... [the screen turns sideways] Oh, boy.

SpongeBob and Sandy: Ahh...! [falling and screaming, Sandy and SpongeBob stop falling, SpongeBob is still screaming then stops slowly]

Sandy: We're ok, SpongeBob?

SpongeBob: Oh! Ok.

SpongeBob and Sandy: [they walk into a different room] Wow!

Sandy: Looks like some sort of control module or maybe a holographic projector. [Sandy places her hands on the activation circles] Whoops! Well, I guess we're gonna find out what this doohickey does. [machine opens]

SpongeBob: [a diamond prism comes out] Ooh, purty.

Sandy: SpongeBob, no! [the prism fires a laser] Look out! [the laser hits the top of Sandy's tail and it's hair and skin burns off]

SpongeBob: What's it doing? [the laser hits a crystal and aims at two diamonds, they soon come out the walls in tubes and make direct contact]

Sandy: This place sure got a friendlying hurry. [three pieces of the tube spin, when it stops three holes pop out three steel balls] Duck! [SpongeBob and Sandy duck, the three balls land in three robot bodies, their faces and arms come out and go to SpongeBob and Sandy]

SpongeBob: Aw! Look, cute. [two robots trap Sandy and SpongeBob inside magic bubbles] Kinda reminds me of bubble blowing. [the bubbles rise up, the three robots, Sandy, and SpongeBob go into a new room, the bubbles pop and Sandy and SpongeBob crash]

Sandy: Whoa, what is this place?

Robot #1: You now stand in the most sacred place in all of Lemuria.

SpongeBob: [SpongeBob walks up to a glowing sculpture] Mesmerizing.

Robot #1: I see you are an art lover, the sculpture of the Sphere Laser Dichotomy, it really holds the room together.

Sandy: I didn't realize the Lemurias were a race of robots.

Robot #1: Not originally. [Flashback] The Lemurias actually created us as a legion of janitor bots, and that's what we did until the great disaster. [Huge explosion] But, when we realized that we were the only survivors, we took it upon ourselves to maintain the technology and customs of the once great civilization. [Back to the present] That's not to say it's been easy, it's been a couple of millennia.

SpongeBob: Ooh! Really, really, mesmerizing. [SpongeBob's touch destroys the sculpture, the ruins start to fall apart]

Robot #1: You fools, what have you done? We told you, it "really" holds the room together.

SpongeBob: Sorry, I didn't think you meant it literally! [The Ruins are destroyed, everyone gasp]

Narrator: Two Days Later.....

SpongeBob: [Sandy and SpongeBob survived the disaster] Gee, I feel bad for those poor robots, they worked so hard to keep this place clean. Sandy: Speaking of which.

Robot #1: [The robots are doing a campfire] Those two idiots.

SpongeBob: Oh, please forgive me robots, I didn't mean to ruin your ruins.

Robot #1: Oh, what's the point. Our way of life has been destroyed, we no longer have a purpose. [The robots move to a different spot]

Robot #3: Looks like a good place to just dry out in the sun. [The robots shut themselves down]

SpongeBob: Hey, hey, don't be down. I know just the thing to get you out of this funk.

[Bubble transition to the Krusty Krab, SpongeBob and Mr. Krabs walk into the restroom] SpongeBob: How's it going, guys.

Robot #2: Wonderful.

Robot #3: Very fulfilled!

Robot #1: [uses his toilet plunger] Thank you, you have restored our dignity.

Mr. Krabs: Uh, how much are these tin cans gonna cost me?

SpongeBob: Not a penny, they're just doing what they were made to do.

Mr. Krabs: No thanks, SpongeBob, I'm already not paying you to clean the toilets.

SpongeBob: Oh, but Mr. Krabs, I did accidentally destroy their way of life.

Mr. Krabs: [laughs] Just fooling, sonny, and besides, why would I start saying no to free labor now?

[Mr. Krabs, SpongeBob, and the three robots laugh as the short ends.]

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