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Patty is a meat patty with tomato eyes, lettuce hair, cheese clothes and ears and ketchup cheeks. Its nose is made of a pickle and her smile is a squirt of mustard. As the episode goes on, Patty becomes rotten and looks extremely smelly and ugly. Green stench comes out of it and Patty appears to be squashed and off-color when SpongeBob sang about her. Several of the activities Patty was invilved with, like being stuffed with cotton candy, being attacked by scallops, and falling apart in the water, after the waterfall, contributed to Patty's increasingly rotten state.  
Patty is a meat patty with tomato eyes, lettuce hair, cheese clothes and ears and ketchup cheeks. Its nose is made of a pickle and her smile is a squirt of mustard. As the episode goes on, Patty becomes rotten and looks extremely smelly and ugly. Green stench comes out of it and Patty appears to be squashed and off-color when SpongeBob sang about her. Several of the activities Patty was involved with, like being stuffed with cotton candy, being attacked by scallops, and falling apart in the water, after the waterfall, contributed to Patty's increasingly rotten state.

Revision as of 12:58, 23 April 2015

The Delicious Looking Patty

Patty was a Krabby Patty made by SpongeBob. SpongeBob calls the patty a female. SpongeBob never wants to eat her because he loves it. It is only seen in the episode: To Love a Patty. SpongeBob and Patty did lots of things together like dancing. SpongeBob also serenated her with Oh Baby.


Patty is a meat patty with tomato eyes, lettuce hair, cheese clothes and ears and ketchup cheeks. Its nose is made of a pickle and her smile is a squirt of mustard. As the episode goes on, Patty becomes rotten and looks extremely smelly and ugly. Green stench comes out of it and Patty appears to be squashed and off-color when SpongeBob sang about her. Several of the activities Patty was involved with, like being stuffed with cotton candy, being attacked by scallops, and falling apart in the water, after the waterfall, contributed to Patty's increasingly rotten state.


Patty would originally be a tough fish's lunch, but SpongeBob doesn't want it to get eaten. SpongeBob gives him a Grilled Shoe Burger, and takes Patty home. Patty then has a makeover and hair-cleaning. Sandy doesn't like Patty, because she wants to be SpongeBob's best friend. Patty goes on an adventure with SpongeBob. He sings the song Oh Baby to it as they get attacked by hungry scallops and fall into the end of a waterfall. Patty soon becomes disgusting, smelly, rotten, and is so terrible-looking that people ran away from it. Then, SpongeBob realizes that he must eat Patty, and he does, but then he threw up.


The Krusty Krab

Owner: Eugene H. Krabs

Major Employees: SpongeBob SquarePantsSquidward TentaclesCashy

Minor Employees: JimPatrick StarPatriciaSandy CheeksPearl KrabsGary the SnailCarlStanley SquarePantsNot SpongeBobPirates (Grandpappy the Pirate)

Variations: Krusty Kantina5 Star Krusty KrabKrabby O' MondaysThe Kuddly KrabThe Krusty SpongeKrusty TowersThe Krusty Krab 2

Machines: Trash ChuteDishwasherCashyKrusty Krab's TVDJ SystemPatty GadgetPinch-o-MaticIce MachinePrinting Press

Food: Krabby PattyCoral BitsKiddie MealPipsqueak PattyKrusty DogKelp FriesMonster Krabby PattyKrusty Krab PizzaJim PattyKrusty Kids MealPattyChopper BurgerNasty PattyKrabby Patty Ice StatueKelp RingsFrozen Krabby Patty

Other: Krusty Krab KeyKrusty Krab StandKrusty Krab PlaysetThe Customers Of The Krusty KrabKrusty Krab Industries Labor AgreementKrusty Krab's VideoroomKrusty Krab's Air VentsPatty PalEugene Krabs Memorial Wishing WellDrive-thruSpongeBob's Annual Employee Report CardBonnet from Krusty KrabPatty VaultUtensil StandKrabby KronicleKrabby Land Park

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