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Squog about to eat some coral.

Squog is an ancestor of Squidward. He enjoyed painting like his descendant, Squidward, but unlike him, can paint prodigiously. He is not shown playing an instrument, but it can be inferred that he could do that well too, as the bad-clarinet-playing part of his line started with Squidly, from the Medieval Era. He owns his house and two clubs, and apparently the clubs can feel emotions of some sort, as one cry when Squog chooses the other to go yell at Prehistoric Gary with. Mostly, he slips on the slime trail of Prehistoric Gary. His neighbors are SpongeGar and Patar. Squog only appeared in Ugh!.

Squog is playable on the SpongeBob B.C. Bowling Computer game online but not on the Internet, it must be bought.


Squog mostly looks like Squidward except for the following:

  • Squog more often smiles instead of frowning.
  • He wears a spotted shirt, in loincloth form.
  • He has one tooth like SpongeGar, but on his bottom jaw.
  • He has a thick unibrow. (Similar to Squilliam, but Squilliam's is fancier.)
  • Squog has a few hairs at the top of his head, Squidward does not.


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