Big Mac The Bartender

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Big Mac The Bartender

Big Mac The Bartender is a character featured in the game Employee of the Month and The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie Sequel.


He looks like quite a tough fish, and owns The Rusty Anchor. He also seems quite friendly. He helped Mermaid Man get into the Invisible Boatmobile.

What he does

He lives in Rock Bottom and his job is the Bartender in the Rusty Anchor. His friends may be SpongeBob, Patrick, Mermaid Man and Jojo The Repairman.


  • His name is probably a parody of McDonald's famous burger The Big Mac
  • He is very similar to an unnamed cameo character in the TV series and other video games. It is possible that Big Mac and this cameo character are the same person.

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Video Game Characters (exclusive)
Big Mac The BartenderBiologistBlack JellyfishBlue ThugBrown ThugCampersCarlton RittsCharles WinthorpCowfish CraigDame MackerelDiamond JellyfishDollyDr. Lumbar LouieEugene The CashierGary GulperGate GuardGhost JellyfishGhost PirateGill HammersteinGreen ThugGuy With 4,132 TwinsHot Dog VendorJesterJojo The RepairmanLisa The Coat Check GirlNelsonMarty the Bus DriverMagma JellyfishMarlin The Weather WizardMarvinMonsterMortyPhone RepairmanPrawnPurple ThugRayRobo-PatrickRobo-SandyRobo-SquidwardRobot PlanktonSeymour ScalesShapiro the maître d'Sharkey Two-TimesSnack Counter GuySneaky HermitSpongeBot SteelPantsStarfishmanSteel JellyfishStellaTicket GuyTimmyTony The BouncerTour GuideTreasure HunterVictoria EllenWhaley Vip Valet Three-TimesZapper Spheres
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