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Revision as of 01:26, 16 May 2010

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^ I created that as well! ^

My templates are:

Nick Arcade Games
Atlantis SquarePantis Square OffBC BowlingKrabby QuestObstacle OdysseyObstacle Odyssey 2: Time TroubleSpongeBob's Atlantis SquarePantisSpongeBob SquarePants Saves the Krusty KrabSpongeBob SquarePants Collapse!SpongeBob SquarePants Diner DashSpongeBob SquarePants Diner Dash 2: Two Times the TroubleSpongeBob SquarePants 3-D Pinball PanicSpongeBob SquarePants Jellyfish ShuffleboardingSpongeBob SquarePants 3-D Movie GameMonopoly: SpongeBob SquarePants EditionThe Game of Life: SpongeBob SquarePants Edition
Best Friends DayEmployee Brotherhood DayFree Balloon DayFree DayLeif Erikson DayNational No Patrick DayNational No SpongeBob DaySpongeBob's Best Day EverWork Without Your Hands Day
The SpongeBob SquarePants Music RecordSpongeBob SquarePants: Original Theme HighlightsThe SpongeBob SquarePants Movie - Music from the Movie and More...The Best Day EverThe Yellow AlbumSpongeBob's Favorite SongsSpongeBob's Greatest HitsSpongeBob SquarePants: Platinum All-Time FavoritesIt's a SpongeBob Christmas! AlbumMusic from The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of WaterSpongeBob SquarePants: The New Musical (Original Cast Recording)
Video Game Characters (exclusive)
Big Mac The BartenderBiologistBlack JellyfishBlue ThugBrown ThugCampersCarlton RittsCharles WinthorpCowfish CraigDame MackerelDiamond JellyfishDollyDr. Lumbar LouieEugene The CashierGary GulperGate GuardGhost JellyfishGhost PirateGill HammersteinGreen ThugGuy With 4,132 TwinsHot Dog VendorJesterJojo The RepairmanLisa The Coat Check GirlNelsonMarty the Bus DriverMagma JellyfishMarlin The Weather WizardMarvinMonsterMortyPhone RepairmanPrawnPurple ThugRayRobo-PatrickRobo-SandyRobo-SquidwardRobot PlanktonSeymour ScalesShapiro the maître d'Sharkey Two-TimesSnack Counter GuySneaky HermitSpongeBot SteelPantsStarfishmanSteel JellyfishStellaTicket GuyTimmyTony The BouncerTour GuideTreasure HunterVictoria EllenWhaley Vip Valet Three-TimesZapper Spheres
Alter Ego
Barnacle ManCaptain MagmaCheeseHead BrownPantsDr. Peter LanktonElastic WaistbandFry BoyInvinciBubbleKing PatrickKrabby Patty BurglarKrabby the ClownManBobMiss AppearMr. MagicMr. SuperawesomenessMuscleBob BuffPantsNormal SpongeBobPatnocchioPatriciaPatrick-ManPlank-TonSir Pinch-a-LotSmellySour NoteSpongeBob RoundPantsSpongeGuardSquidward SantaStarfishmanThe Hall MonitorThe Handsome ManThe QuicksterThe RodentThe Squidward Giant
Bubble BlowingClam FishingJellyfishingKaratePirate WrestlingSpurskate


The Krusty Sponge
Mild Bobby SauceTangy Spongy SauceThe Krusty Sponge RestaurantThe Krusty Sponge Fun TrainSpongy Patty

Template:Record Players Template:Board Games

Video Game Places
Carlton Ritts' HouseCowfish Craig's ShackDr. Louie's ChiropractorFin LockerFlying Dutchman's GraveyardHotel Deep SixJewelry StoreMarlin's CaveNeptune's ParadisePatrick's Lemonade StandRay's Organic Tanning SalonSardine's SundriesSmoothie HutSpongeBob's DreamSublime SeafoodsThe Rusty AnchorOxygen SpringsWaverly HillsWSEA TV
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