Episode Transcript: The Bad Guy Club for Villains

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Episode Article: The Bad Guy Club for Villains

( Patrick's rock shows up, and cuts to patrick sitting in his chair, watching TV)

(SpongeBob comes on)

SpongeBob: Patrick! Guess what came in the mail today!

Patrick: OH! WHAT!

(SpongeBob takes out a video tape from his back)

SpongeBob: This...

(Screen gets a closer cut of video tape)

Patrick: Mermaid Man And Barnacle Boy Lost EPISODE! Stick It In!

(SpongeBob slides the video tape into patrick's TV and presses a button)

(Everyone immedately goes to patrick's couch)

SpongeBob And Patrick: GAGAGAGAGA!

Girls: Faster Than Light! They Pay To Stop Crime! It's Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy!

SpongeBob And Patrick: YEAH!

Girls:If Your In a Jam, Its Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy!

Fish Head: The Adventures Of Mermaid Man And Barnacle Boy!

Tonight's Episode: The Secret Meeting!

(Gets a shot of the Mermalair)

Deep in the Mercave, something strange takes mermaid man's attention!

Barnacle Boy: The Dirty Bubble? What's He doing at the bus stop?

Mermaid Man: Looks Like he's got a one way ticket to Bikini Bottom! And there's only one thing he could be up to in Bikini Bottom, Barnacle Boy!

Barnacle Boy: That's right, Mermaid Man!

Mermaid Man And Barnacle Boy: EVIL!

(A cut)

(The Dirty Bubble comes out of the bus that comes on)

The Dirty Bubble: Haherhaherherherher!

(Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy look at each other)

Fish Head: The Terrible Man Ray!

The Dirty Bubble: Huh! So glad you could make it!

Man Ray: I Wouldn't miss this for the world, dirty! HAHAHAHAH.

Fish Head: The Most Powerful Of All crustaceans, it's JUMBO SHRIMP! It's the Atomic Flounder! The Abomination of a nuclear experiment gone horribly wrong! And The Terror of the sewers, The Man-eating Sinster Slug!

The Dirty Bubble: We join Forces at last.

Mermaid Man: It's worse than i could have imagined! A Team Up!

The Dirty Bubble: Welcome to the BGATFBC!

(The Dirty Bubble gives the villain cards)

Everyone: Muhahahahahahahha!

(Mermaid Man puts on some binoculars and looks at Man Ray's card)

Mermaid Man: April 3rd, 12:00 noon! That's Tomorrow!

Barnacle Boy: Holy...

(Screen goes fuzzy)

Patrick: Hey!

SpongeBob: Hehehehe! Don't worry! I can fix it! (He pushes a button, and the tape comes out and it falls, breaking some of the tape) Deeee! (He picks up the tape, gets out tape and scissors, cuts the tapes and puts the tape back in the socket)

Barnacle Boy: Striped guppies, Mermaid Man! We Gotta Do something!

Mermaid Man: Not so fast, little flipper! We are far too outmanned! But fear not. We are always one step ahead of EVIL!

Fish Head: Our Hero of the bride puts up a call!

Mermaid Man: To the ocean's greatest heroes!

Lady: Yes can you hold?

Mermaid Man: Yes, i can hold.


Fish Head: Meanwhile, a sintster hord of tie holts people!

The Dirty Bubble: This Way, gentlemen!

(the crew comes through a door)

Jumbo Shrimp: Wait a minute, what's going on in here?

The Dirty Bubble: Huh? No! Personally sorry gentlemen, you must be in the wrong room!

This room is reserved for the BGATFBC.

Mermaid Man (in a disguise): That's funny. I thought it was aside for the I.J.L.S.A.

The Dirty Bubble: I.J.L.S.A? What in coral caverns is that?

(Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy takes off their disguises)

All Bad Guys: Mermaid Man And Barnacle Boy!

Mermaid Man: That's Right! (He jumps out of his coat) Now, before you have to say goodbye, say hello to some friends! (He throws some wind, and it breaks the door, somebody comes out) The Elastic Waistband!

Barnacle Boy: Greet the hottest sea creature in the country! (he pours coffee) Professor Magma!

Mermaid Man: The illusive Miss Appear!

(She appears)

And the Pirate Pottener with his hairnet of knowlege!

Pirate Pottener: Do we really exist?

Mermaid Man: Together, we are The International Justice Lodge Of Super Aquantences!

The Dirty Bubble: Let's Get em boys!

(A shot of the bad guys running is shown)

(A shot of the good guys running is shown)

(A shot of the jumbo shrimp running is shown)

(A shot of Mermaid Man flying is shown)

(Mermaid Man Punches jumbo shrimp)

(Jumbo Shrimp throws mermaid man to the wall)

Jumbo Shrimp: Do not tussle with the BGATFBC!

(Mermaid Man falls from the wall)

Pirate Pottener: Violence resolves nothing.

Man Ray: Good night, balloon boy!

(Miss Appear appears and takes away Man Ray's gun)

Miss Appear: Professor Magma, Catch! (Magma melts the gun)

Barnacle Boy: Step aside, you Covious Cod! My beef is with the bubble!

Mermaid Man: Hold on Barnacle Boy! He's got nuclear touch!

Atomic Flounder: RAAAA!

(He touches Barnacle Boy)

Barnacle Boy: Nuclear Touch!

SpongeBob and Patrick: AAAHH!

Patrick: I Can't watch!

(His eyes come through his hands)

(Where the nuclear touch was a arm came out, and it punched him)

Mermaid man: Fracturing furniture! Hang tight buddy!

(The arm hits Barnacle Boy again and again)

(Mermaid Man jumps toward Barnacle Boy)

(The Dirty Bubble eats Man Ray and spits him out at Mermaid Man, but Elastic Waistband gets in the way)

Mermaid Man: Hang in there, my daring deputy.

(a face grows out of the hand)

Facehand: Your daring deputy is napping right now! But i'd be happy to spread out the message! If you have a way out of it!

(Facehand tries to hit mermaid man)

Mermaid Man: Swirling swivels! That fiend has taken control over Barnacle Boy!

Elastic Wasteband: What do we do, Mermaid Man?

Mermaid Man: I'm Glad You asked! (Mermaid Man jumps onto the chandelier and swings off of it and jumps onto Barnacle Boy) If the Atomic Flounder were to touch that wretched root, it would cause a chain reaction, reversing the polarity, and the mollecular level, restoring Barnacle Boy to his natural state!! Isn't that Right, Professor Magma?

(A cut to professor magma)

Handface: You'll never do it! You don't have the moxi!

Mermaid Man: That's what you think, cur! (he picks up Handface and Barnacle Boy) Shield!

(Professor Magma turns in the shape of a shield, and Mermaid Man Picks him up) (Atomic Flounder grabs shield, and Mermaid Man throws him down) Ha ha!

(the Sinister Slug was on the wall behind him)

SpongeBob: Look out, Mermaid man!

(Mermaid Man looks behind himself)

Mermaid Man: (gasp)

Sinister Slug: GRRRR!

(Sinister Slug spits at Mermaid Man)

(Mermaid Man Avoids it, and it hits Atomic Flounder)

SpongeBob And Patrick: YAY!

(Atomic Flounder struggles to move)

Mermaid Man: The Sinister Slug's slime has got you stationary and stiff! I think your time is up, friend!

(He pushes Handface toward Atomic Flounder)

Handface: Not Nuclear touch!

(Handface disappears)

Barnacle Boy: Great Gravy! What just happened?

Mermaid Man: Il'l tell you about it later, now let's take out the trash!

Pirate Pottener: Here, you can use my hairnet of knowledge.

Mermaid Man: Thank You.

The Dirty Bubble: No! No! You Guys don't understand! It's not what you think!

(Bad guys are shown running away from mermaid man, and mermaid man swoops them up in hairnet of knowlege)


Mermaid Man: You Really Thought you were going to get away from it, did you? First up, villans, what does BGATFBC stand for?

Man Ray: It Stands for the Bad Guys All together Book Club!

Mermaid Man: Book Club? You Mean you weren't going to destroy a library or something?

Man Ray: Why Would we do that? Wer'e almost to the new chapter!

Atomic Flounder: What are you going to do, lock us up for reading?

Jumbo Shrimp: Yeah! You can't prison us for reading!

Mermaid Man: That's Right. Remember kids, no one can imprison you for reading!

(a cut with the words the end are shown)

Patrick: Hey, what happened? Why are those squiggles on the screen?

SpongeBob: Those are called 'End Credits', Patrick.

Patrick: End credits? But i don't want it to end!

SpongeBob: But that's why Neptune gave us the rewind button!

(SpongeBob Pushes a button)

Patrick: Thank you Neptune!

(A final cut is shown)

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