Episode Transcript: Jellyfish Hunter

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Episode Article: Jellyfish Hunter

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(a jellyfish is flying in the sky)

French Narrator: Jellyfish Fields... ...And where there's jellyfish, there is the jellyfish hunter.

SpongeBob: La la la la, (catches it) You're my twelfth catch of the day. I'm gonna call you "Twelvey." (tickles it) Coochie coochie coo! (Twelvey sneezes out some jelly) Bye Twelvey! (Twelvey stings him. Sees a blue jellyfish) It's you! Well, it's just you and me again. I caught and named every jellyfish in the Jellyfish Fields at least once. Except you, "No Name." (tries to catch it. Runs but steps on a soda can. Runs so fast he flies) Gotcha! (he is unsuccessful at catching the jellyfish) Some day, I'm gonna catch you and I will name you! (bubble-wipe to the Krusty Krab) Time for my lunch break!

Mr. Krabs: You've got 5 minutes!

SpongeBob: Wow! One minute more than yesterday! SpongeBob on lunch! (takes out his jar of jelly and a Krabby Patty. Starts eating it)

Fred: Hey, buddy! What's that?

SpongeBob: Oh, this is a hole, sir. You see, I am a sponge, and...

Fred: No, not that! That! (points to his jelly patty)

SpongeBob: Oh, this is just a Krabby Patty with Jellyfish Jelly! I call it a Krabby Patty with Jellyfish Jelly.

Fred: Could I try some?

SpongeBob: Sure! (gives Fred some)

Fred: Amazing! I've got to tell someone about this.

Music: Hey All You People

Hey all you people,
Hey all you people,
Hey all you people, won't you listen to me...?
I just had a sandwich,
No ordinary sandwich,
A sandwich filled with jellyfish jelly...!
Hey, man, you've got to try this sandwich!
It's no ordinary sandwich!
It's the tastiest sandwich in the sea...!
(scatting) A-skibbi-dee-beeda-bodda-booda-bodda-dabbidy-dow,
Yeah...Thank you!

Mr. Krabs: SpongeBob, who's playing Squidward's records again?

SpongeBob: No one, Mr. Krabs. I'm just sharing my jellyfish jelly with the customers. (we see some fish eating jelly patties) Here you go, Mr. Krabs. Send your taste buds on a journey.

Mr. Krabs: (sniffs the patty) Messing with the patty's formula? That's mutiny!

Fred: Sir, this is the best thing I've ever tasted. I'm coming here everyday for the rest of my life. (everything around Fred and the patty fades out and a dollar bill appears. Fred is on the bill) Hey, buddy, you okay?

SpongeBob: Mr. Krabs?

Mr. Krabs: SpongeBob, how about you get me some of those "moneyfish?"

SpongeBob: Wow. Getting paid to jellyfish. That's my life's dream!

Mr. Krabs: Well, keep dreaming. (gives him a jellyfish net) This is on your time. Now go get me some jellyfish, and make it... (SpongeBob holds up a jellyfish in a jar) ...quick. SpongeBob, I'm gonna need more than 1 jellyfish.

SpongeBob: But Mr. Krabs, how many jellyfish do you need? (bubble-wipe to him jellyfishing with many nets. Shows up with three jars) Here you go, Mr. Krabs!

Mr. Krabs: (painting a sign saying "Home of the Jelly Patty") I'm gonna need more than that, boy! (cut to SpongeBob in Jellyfish Fields)

SpongeBob: (cuts a rope. Many jellyfish are inside it. He shows up with five jars) More jellies, Mr. Krabs!

Mr. Krabs: (painting jellyfish on the walls of the Krusty Krab with the words "I Love Jellyfish" on his shirt) Oh, that'll never do. More!

SpongeBob: (cut to him with a mustache on. A sign next to a jellyfish hive reading "FOR RENT" is shown. Jellyfish come in. They are trapped in a large net) Here you go!

Mr. Krabs: (customers are lined up) More, SpongeBob! (cut to SpongeBob driving a large replica of himself. Its hand shows up at the Krusty Krab with a jar full of jellyfish) What don't you understand about..."more!" (SpongeBob catches jellyfish in different shots. Cross-fade to Mr. Krabs) More! (cross-fade to a montage of Mr. Krabs shouting "More!" and SpongeBob catching jellyfish. Eventually, we fade to later that night. A sign reading "Jellyfish Fields: Pop. 4 Million" is seen. The word "4 Million" is crossed out)

SpongeBob: Well, there's no more! Now, that's jellyfishing! (No Name, the blue jellyfish from earlier, secretly follows him) It feels like somebody...wants to sell me something!

Businessman: (hiding behind rock with another businessman) I told you he was onto us!

SpongeBob: (running away) I'm not interested in anything you're selling! (opens the door to his house and gets in) I sure felt like... (laughs) I must be working too hard. (telephone rings) I'll get it, there! Hello, SpongeBob's house, SpongeBob speaking. (cut to No Name holding a phone apparently near SpongeBob's house, heavily breathing. Laughs nervously) Wrong number. (No Name morphs one of its stingers into a pair of pliers and cuts SpongeBob's fuse. The lights go out. Laughs nervously) I guess Gary forgot to pay the electric bill! (door opens and a small, black figure comes in) Gary? Gary, is that you? (the figure goes inside the kitchen) Yeah, good idea, Gary, there's probably some left overs in the kitchen! (light shines on a Krabby Patty with blue jellyfish jelly) Hello, what's this? What are you doing here, oh delicious one? A little snack will calm my nerves! Mmm...a Krabby Patty with blue jelly. Blue jelly! (No Name shows up) Hey, old No Name? What's happening? (cut to No Name buzzing. The blue jellyfish shows a net and jar. Cut to SpongeBob in a jellyfish jar being carried by No Name) No Name, let me out! What are you gonna do with me? Eew! What smells like big business? (No Name shows a factory) Hey, I don't remember that factory! (No Name shows him the inside) Huh? (cut to inside the factory. Jellyfish are inside many tubes scattered all around the factory. They are being sucked of their jelly and dried out in various ways, including one being squeezed with a lemon squeezer. The dried out ones are put in trash cans) What is this horrible place? (a robot grabs and starts tickling a jellyfish)

Robot: Coochie coochie coo. (jellyfish sneezes out jelly and dries out)

SpongeBob: What kind of monster is responsible for this horror?

Mr. Krabs: (on an exercising machine) That's it, boys! Keep that gelatinous gold mine flowing! (laughs)

SpongeBob: Mr. Krabs? No! Now I know why you brought me here. But what can we do? (Mr. Krabs is listening to a song entitled "Give It All You've Got." Breaks in riding on No Name) Mr. Krabs! Stop this madness right now!

Mr. Krabs: Uh...uh...this... This isn't what it looks like! We're having a...um...um....a little tea party!

SpongeBob: Oh, boy! A tea party! (No Name touches him) You tricked me, Mr. Krabs! I never would have collected all this jellyfish if I knew this was their fate! This isn't right! Jellyfish should be wild and safe in fresh air!

Mr. Krabs: Easy boy, what are you doing with that?

SpongeBob: (holding an alligator wrench) Now I'm gonna do something that should have been done a long time ago!

Mr. Krabs: Noooo! (SpongeBob fixes a bolt on the door of some kind of vat holding jellyfish)

SpongeBob: The squeaky bolt on this door was driving me crazy! (Mr. Krabs is relieved) And now I'm gonna set these jellyfish free! (tries to open it but is unsuccessful)

Mr. Krabs: (laughs) Well, you can't. The door's voice-activated and will only open if I say "open." (closes his mouth upon realizing he said "open." Cut to a sign on the door, with the word "CLOSED" lit up. The sign on the door lights the word "OPEN" and the jellyfish escape)

SpongeBob: Freedom! Freedom!

Mr. Krabs: You'll never catch me! (pedals but the exercising machine is bolted to the ground) Blasted exercise craze! (jellyfish sting him and he screams in pain)

SpongeBob: (jellyfish escape out the doors) Goodbye, friends! (a badly-burned Mr. Krabs emerges from the factory)

Mr. Krabs: I'm taking jelly off the menu. (walks away)

SpongeBob: He really got burned on that deal! (laughs) All as it should be. (puts his jellyfish net up) I promise never to use this jellyfish net for anything but pure sport again. Jellyfish aren't meant to be captured forever! (No Name floats in SpongeBob's net. Gasps) Oh, No Name! I guess I can name you now. I'll call you... "Friend." (reaches his arm out. The newly-minted "Friend" does as well but accidentally stings SpongeBob. Nervously smiles)

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