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Patrick talking to Confess-A-Bear

The Confess-A-Bear toy is a teddy bear seen in the episode The Pink Purloiner. SpongeBob gave it to Patrick to see if Patrick will confess that he stole his special Jellyfishing net. This attempt by SpongeBob was still unsuccessful, but Patrick did tell the Confess-A-Bear that he knocked SpongeBob’s toothbrush in the toilet and put it back on the counter without washing it, which made SpongeBob disgusted.


Confess-A- Bear looks like a very simple teddy bear holding a microphone in his hand. SpongeBob used speakers to use his voice through the microphone. When SpongeBob talked through the microphone, Confess-A-Bear's voice came out very squeaky. It is possible that either Confess-A-Bear's voice is automatically like that, or SpongeBob spoke like that so Patrick would not suspect anything. SpongeBob bought it and controlled Confess-A-Bear to hear Patrick say he stole SpongeBob's Jellyfishing Net but Patrick did not say he stole the net. But he did say he knocked SpongeBob's toothbrush in the toilet and placed it back on the counter without washing it which made SpongeBob disgusted and he dropped the headphones he was using to hear Patrick's voice thru the microphone and began to scream and clean his tongue


  • Confess-a-Bear does not appear in episodes after The Pink Purloiner although Patrick did think that Confess-a-Bear was mad at him after he (Confess-a-Bear) did not speak to Patrick so Patrick may have given it back to SpongeBob or it must have been forgotten by Patrick after SpongeBob was not there to speak for Confess-a-Bear.
  • It remains unknown if Confess-a-Bear will appear in other episodes.
  • Confess-a-Bear was actually controlled by SpongeBob.
  • Confess-a-Bear might be a alter ego of Beary


Patrick: (Walks to SpongeBob's house and knocks on the door. Door opens) SpongeBob did you get Ol' Reliable back yet?

SpongeBob: (Sighs) No not yet. (Sigh turns into a nice smile) But Patrick, wouldn't it be the funniest thing if you had taken my Jellyfish net?

Patrick (Stares for a few seconds before laughing for a minute. Stops) No.

SpongeBob: (Laughs too) Yeah that would be silly. Oh that reminds me that I got you a present!

Patrick: (Happily) A present? What is it?

SpongeBob: (Pulls out a stuffed teddy bear with a microphone in its hand) Its a Confess-A-Bear! He's a special friend you tell all your secrets to!

Patrick: Wow! Thanks SpongeBob!!

SpongeBob: I'll just leave you two alone to get aquainted! (Runs off to speak for Confess-a-Bear while Patrick smiles at Confess-a-Bear)

Confess-a-Bear: (SpongeBob controls Confess-a-Bear with a microphone for speaking and headphones for hearing the secrets) Hi! My name is Confess-a-Bear!! Tell me all your secrets!

Patrick: (Nervously) Uh I have done something recently that I'm not proud of. I didn't mean to do it. It just sort of happened.

Confess-a-Bear: Hmmm. Maybe you should talk about it

Patrick: Well it involves my best friend SpongeBob. I don't think he knows what happened but it would really upset him if he found out.

Confess-a-Bear: (Angrily) Tell Confess-a-Bear!!*

Patrick: (Waving his hands back in forth fast nervously) Oh I've said too much already!

Confess-a-Bear: Tell Confess-a-Bear now!! NOW!!**

Patrick: UH! I accidently knocked SpongeBob's toothbrush into the toilet and I put it back on the counter without washing it!!* (Confess-a-Bear does not speak.) Confess-a-Bear? (SpongeBob is running around the yard screaming and wiping his tongue off) You're mad at me aren't you Confess-a-Bear?

SpongeBob: AHHHH!!** AHHHH!!***

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