Bikini Bottom Middle School

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Bikini Bottom Middle School is a middle school in Bikini Bottom. Nothing is really known about the school except that it has a lot of trouble making teenagers, that caused a riot in Bikini Bottom by throwing ketchup balloons. The riot was seen in Picture Day. BBMS was the first middle school ever opened in Bikini Bottom. It was also the middle school that SpongeBob and Patrick went to. It is a school that has grades 6-8. It has made AYP 3 times in the Public School System.

Episodes Seen: Picture Day


Elementary: Bikini Bottom ElementaryPoseidon Elementary School

Intermediate: Bikini Bottom Middle School

High School: Bikini Bottom High School

College: Community College

Other: Bikini Bottom Prestigious Music CollegeMrs. Puff's Boating SchoolAdult Learning Center

System: Bikini Bottom Public School System

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