Episode Transcript: Nautical Novice

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*[[SpongeBob SquarePants|SpongeBob]]
*[[SpongeBob SquarePants|SpongeBob]]
*[[Poppy Puff|Mrs. Puff]]
*[[Mrs. Puff]]
*[[Gary the Snail|Gary]]
*[[Gary the Snail|Gary]]
*Boating School Students
*Boating School Students
*Bus Driver
*Bus Driver
*Unnamed Fish
*Unnamed Fish
*[[SpongeBob's House]]
*[[Mrs. Puff's Boating School]]
*[[Boat Museum]]
(Episode Starts at Mrs. Puff's Boating School)
(episode starts at Mrs. Puff's Boating School)
Mrs. Puff: Remember class, there is only one way to park a boat: the safe way. You now see the importance of proper steering, and a properly calebrated anchor. (no one is listening, except for SpongeBob, who is writing notes and putting them in his brain) Which brings us to the subject of rudder maintenance... (bell rings)
SpongeBob: Barnacles! Just as we were getting to the nitty ritty.
Mrs. Puff: Wait a minute, class! Remember, we will not be here tommorow, we will be going on a field trip to the boating museum. Now, run along kids.
'''Mrs. Puff''': Remember class, there is only one way to park a boat: the safe way. You now see the importance of proper steering, and a properly calibrated anchor. (no one is listening, except for SpongeBob, who is writing notes and putting them in his brain) Which brings us to the subject of rudder maintenance... (bell rings)
SpongeBob: Wow, the boating museum! Maybe tommorow if I can impress Mrs. Puff with an extensive knowledge of boating history, she'll give me a boating license on the spot. (laughs, then pretends his desk is a boat, then goes out) See you tommorow, Mrs. P.
'''SpongeBob''': Barnacles! Just as we were getting to the nitty ritty.
Mrs. Puff: Neptune, give me strength! (cuts to SpongeBob's house at night time)
'''Mrs. Puff''': Wait a minute, class! Remember, we will not be here tomorrow. We will be going on a field trip to the boating museum. Now, run along kids.
SpongeBob: Let's see. Huh, there she is. (SpongeBob reaches for, and gets bumped on the head with a big book called "The History of all Boating Ever...")
'''SpongeBob''': Wow, the boating museum! Maybe tomorrow if I can impress Mrs. Puff with an extensive knowledge of boating history, she'll give me a boating license on the spot. (laughs, then pretends his desk is a boat. Goes out) See you tomorrow, Mrs. P.
Gary: Meow. (SpongeBob get's the book of his head) Meow?
'''Mrs. Puff''': Neptune, give me strength! (bubbl-wipe to SpongeBob's house at night time)
SpongeBob: What is this Gary? Why, it's the complete history of all boating ever. And i'm going to memorize it tonight for the big field trip tommorow.
'''SpongeBob''': Let's see. Huh, there she is. (reaches for, and gets bumped on the head with, a big book called "The History of all Boating Ever...")
Gary: Meow?
'''Gary''': Meow. (SpongeBob gets the book off his head) Meow?
SpongeBob: I'm perfectly capable of reading 7,400 pages, and still getting my required 8 hours of sleep, before the bus picks me up promptly at 8 A.M. tommorow. Now if you'll excuse me, i'd like to get started (Gary goes away) All right, let's see what this little pamphlet is all about. (reading) Chapter 1: In the beginning, Neptune created the sail...
'''SpongeBob''': What is this, Gary? Why, it's the complete history of all boating ever. And I'm going to memorize it tonight for the big field trip tomorrow.
Narrator: 7:59 A.M.
'''Gary''': Meow?
SpongeBob: (still reading) ...but such tragidies will be avoided, with the flying boat of the future. The end (finished reading). Time for a little shut eye before... (falls asleep, then his alarm clock wakes him up) Mrs. Puff, can't this wait 'till tommorow? (goes back to sleep, then wakes up) Hang on a minute, it is tommorow! (runs out of his house, to get the bus) Hey, wait! Hey! (catches up with the boat) Mrs. Puff, please stop the bus! (knocks on window)
'''SpongeBob''': I'm perfectly capable of reading 7,400 pages, and still getting my required 8 hours of sleep, before the bus picks me up promptly at 8 AM tomorrow. Now if you'll excuse me, I'd like to get started. (Gary goes away) All right, let's see what this little pamphlet is all about. (reading) "Chapter 1: In the beginning, Neptune created the sail..." (time card appears)
Bus Driver: What was that?
'''French Narrator''': ''7:59 A.M.''
Mrs. Puff: Noting! Uhh... Just keep driving. (SpongeBob knocks again) Step on it! (bus driver does so)
'''SpongeBob''': (finishes reading) "...but such tragedies will be avoided, with the flying boat of the future. The end." (he is completely exhausted) Time for a little shut eye before... (falls asleep, then his alarm clock wakes him up) Mrs. Puff, can't this wait 'till tomorrow? (goes back to sleep, then wakes up) Hang on a minute, this is tomorrow! (runs out of his house, and sees the bus leaving) Hey, wait! Hey! (catches up with the boat) Mrs. Puff, please stop the bus! (knocks on window)
SpongeBob: Wait! (dissapears)
'''Bus Driver''': What was that?
Mrs. Puff: Phew. (SpongeBob gets on the window, Mrs. Puff screams, and SpongeBob gets in the bus)
'''Mrs. Puff''': Noting! Uhh... Just keep driving. (SpongeBob knocks again) Step on it! (bus driver does so)
SpongeBob: No worries, I made it!
'''SpongeBob''': Wait! (disappears)
Mrs. Puff: SpongeBob? You look terrible!
'''Mrs. Puff''': Phew. (SpongeBob gets on the window, Mrs. Puff screams, and SpongeBob gets in the bus)
SpongeBob: I assure you, I am well rested and ready to learn. Who knows Mrs. Puff, before the day is out, you may have learned something yourself. (Mrs. Puff smells his B.O., and sprays him with "Shower in a Can") Hey, Mrs. Puff?
'''SpongeBob''': No worries, I made it!
Mrs. Puff: Yes, SpongeBob?
'''Mrs. Puff''': SpongeBob? You look terrible!
SpongeBob: I made this for you! (shows her a tiny boat)
'''SpongeBob''': I assure you, I am well rested and ready to learn. Who knows Mrs. Puff, before the day is out, you may have learned something yourself. (Mrs. Puff smells his B.O., and sprays him with "[[Shower in a Can]]") Hey, Mrs. Puff?
Mrs. Puff: Made What?
'''Mrs. Puff''': Yes, SpongeBob?
SpongeBob: This. The H-N-S Pinifore. At 1 to 8,427 scale of course.
'''SpongeBob''': I made this for you! (shows her a tiny boat)
Mrs. Puff: Thank you, SpongeBob.
'''Mrs. Puff''': Made What?
SpongeBob: Mrs. Puff?
'''SpongeBob''': This. The HMS Pinafore. At 1 to 8,427 scale of course.
Mrs. Puff: Yes, SpongeBob?
'''Mrs. Puff''': Thank you, SpongeBob.
SpongeBob: Do you know how many rowers it takes to propel a tririne?
'''SpongeBob''': Mrs. Puff?
Mrs. Puff: Well, that would be...
'''Mrs. Puff''': Yes, SpongeBob?
SpongeBob: Do you know which boat is the fastest on record?
'''SpongeBob''': Do you know how many rowers it takes to propel a tri-beam?
Mrs. Puff: Wasn't that the...
'''Mrs. Puff''': Well, that would be...
SpongeBob: Did you know that in the future, all boats will be powered by dolphin manure? Did you know that the H-M-S blutos was originally a racing boat before it became the royal family's private yacht? Do you know what scuffling is? What's bigger, a propeller, or a sleet? (cuts to later) Ever been on a... (boat stops, and SpongeBob gets propelled on to the windshield)
'''SpongeBob''': Do you know which boat is the fastest on record?
Bus Driver: We're here. (SpongeBob melts, and then turns back to normal outside.)
'''Mrs. Puff''': Wasn't that the...
Mrs. Puff: Welcome class, to the boating museum. This enormous vessel, was once the largest in all the seas. But now that it's been converted into a museum, it no longer moves.
'''SpongeBob''': Did you know that in the future, all boats will be powered by dolphin manure? Did you know that the HMS Blue Toes was originally a racing boat before it became the royal family's private yacht? Do you know what scuttling is? What's bigger, a flotilla or a fleet? (cuts to later) Ever been on a... (boat stops, and SpongeBob gets propelled on to the windshield)
SpongeBob: Actually, it get's taken to port once a year for maintenance.
'''Bus Driver''': We're here. (SpongeBob melts, and then turns back to normal outside.)
Mrs. Puff: If you don't mind SpongeBob, I'll be doing the teaching today.
'''Mrs. Puff''': Welcome class, to the boating museum. This enormous vessel was once the largest in all the seas. But now that it's been converted into a museum, it no longer moves.
SpongeBob: No problemo, Mrs. P. (they walk into the museum)
'''SpongeBob''': Actually, it gets taken to port once a year for maintenance.
Mrs. Puff: Here it is class, the most extensive collection of sea fairing history ever assembled. From giant naval vessels, to more modest craft, like this clamming boat.
'''Mrs. Puff''': If you don't mind, SpongeBob, I'll be doing the teaching today.
SpongeBob: I'd say this baby can hold up to ten clam fishers.
'''SpongeBob''': No problemo, Mrs. P. (they walk into the museum)
Mrs. Puff: Uhh... Sure, SpongeBob.
'''Mrs. Puff''': Here it is class, the most extensive collection of sea faring history ever assembled. From giant naval vessels, to more modest craft, like this clamming boat.
SpongeBob: Why, I bet they reel in up to 50 clams a day.
'''SpongeBob''': I'd say this baby can hold up to ten clam fishers.
Mrs. Puff: Moving on. Over here we have the Sandy Nub. It was a cargo ship used to bring back exotic spices from far away lands.  
'''Mrs. Puff''': Uhh... sure, SpongeBob.
SpongeBob: (laughs) With 2 directing steam turbines, producing 6,500 horse power, geared up to triple screws, (snaps) It'll get your spices where they need to go.
'''SpongeBob''': Why, I bet they reel in up to 50 clams a day.
Mrs. Puff: (angry) Thank you again, SpongeBob.
'''Mrs. Puff''': Moving on. Over here we have the Sandy Nub. It was a cargo ship used to bring back exotic spices from far away lands.  
SpongeBob: It's working, she's noting my vast knowledge! I can now taste the sweet, sweet, lamination of a fresh boating license! (cuts to them walking up to another boat)
'''SpongeBob''': (laughs) With 2 directing steam turbines, producing 6,500 horse power, geared up to triple screws. (snaps) It'll get your spices where they need to go.
Mrs. Puff: This class, is the Lady Scallion...
'''Mrs. Puff''': (angry) Thank you again, SpongeBob.
SpongeBob: ...named after the captain's strict diet of scallions. Of which the crew complained, and the captain's odors strongly resembled. For 4 years, this brigesteen explored distant lands, discovering places unknown to anyone, except the people who all ready lived there. (Mrs. Puff is very angry) Are you ready to give me that license yet, Mrs. Puff?
'''SpongeBob''': It's working, she's noting my vast knowledge! I can now taste the sweet, sweet, lamination of a fresh boating license! (bubble-wipe to them walking up to another boat)
Mrs. Puff: Oh, you're gonna get it, all right!
'''Mrs. Puff''': This class, is the Lady Scallion...
SpongeBob: I knew it! (cuts to Mrs. Puff explaining about a boat, but SpongeBob has the class on the boat, then she opens a charcoal oven, revealing that SpongeBob is in there, then SpongeBob explains about some artifacts, then the field trip is over)
'''SpongeBob''': ...named after the captain's strict diet of scallions. Of which the crew complained, and the captain's odor strongly resembled. For four years, this brigantine explored distant lands, discovering places unknown to anyone besides the people who already lived there. (Mrs. Puff is very angry) Are you ready to give me that license yet, Mrs. Puff?
Mrs. Puff: Okay, this is the end of the tour. Any thing to add SpongeBob? SpongeBob? (notices SpongeBob is not there. He is in the control room of the boat)
'''Mrs. Puff''': Oh, you're gonna get it, all right!
SpongeBob: Ooh, boy! Here it is, the main controls. Just look at all this stuff. There's the tripleoscillater, and there's the hoist pully, and there's the booby trap, and there's the long range mast knob, and there's a hot dog with extra mustard. (gasps) And there is the starter mechanisim. (points at key, but then points at the air conditioning button) That, right there. A.C., that's short for automatic cusitinata. And that's fancy, fancy talk for let's get this party started, like instantly! (SpongeBob presses it, then the air blows at him. He points it away from him, and the key accidently goes in the starting position. The boat then starts) Phew, i'm glad that's over. (notices jellyfish) Oh, well that's a nice touch, what a soothing projection screen. (Mrs. Puff comes in)
'''SpongeBob''': I knew it! (bubble-wipe to Mrs. Puff explaining about a boat, but SpongeBob has the class on the boat. She opens a charcoal oven, revealing that SpongeBob is in there. SpongeBob explains about some artifacts, then the field trip is over)
Mrs. Puff: That's not a projection screen! (jumps in SpongeBob's lap) SpongeBob, stop it right now!
'''Mrs. Puff''': Okay, this is the end of the tour. Any thing to add SpongeBob? SpongeBob? (notices SpongeBob is not there. He is in the control room of the boat)
SpongeBob: Yes, ma'am. (SpongeBob puts it in turbo speed)
'''SpongeBob''': Ooh, boy! Here it is, the main controls. Just look at all this stuff. There's the triple oscillator, and there's the hoist pully, and there's the booby trap, and there's the long range mast knob, and there's a hot dog with extra mustard. (gasps) And there is the starter mechanism. (points at key, but then points at the air conditioning button) That, right there. "A/C." Hmmm. That's short for "automatic cositionada."  And that's fancy, fancy talk for let's get this party started, like instantly! (presses it, then the air blows at him. Points it away from him, and the key accidentally goes in the starting position. The boat then starts) Phew, I'm glad that's over. (notices jellyfish) Oh, well that's a nice touch, what a soothing projection screen. (Mrs. Puff comes in)
Mrs. Puff: Oh sweet Poseidon! Move aside! I've gotta stop this ship before it plows into Bikini Bottom. Uhh, let's see, the first thing to turn off is... Oh, dear Neptune, I've never driven anything this advanced before. SpongeBob, I hope you knew what you were talking about, because it's up to you now!
'''Mrs. Puff''': That's not a projection screen! (jumps in SpongeBob's lap) SpongeBob, stop it right now!
SpongeBob: Okay.
'''SpongeBob''': Yes, ma'am. (puts it in turbo speed)
Mrs. Puff: We don't have much time, and if you mess this up, you'll be flattening millions of innocent lives!
'''Mrs. Puff''': Oh sweet Poseidon! Move aside! I've gotta stop this ship before it plows into Bikini Bottom. Uhh, let's see, the first thing to turn off is... Oh, dear Neptune, I've never driven anything this advanced before. SpongeBob, I hope you knew what you were talking about, because it's up to you now!
SpongeBob: Innocent lives?
'''SpongeBob''': Okay.
Mrs. Puff: And you are the only one who can save them!
'''Mrs. Puff''': We don't have much time, and if you mess this up, you'll be flattening millions of innocent lives!
SpongeBob: The only one, that, can save, them?
'''SpongeBob''': Innocent lives?
Mrs. Puff: Yes! Now, what I want you to do is, tighten the gurnies, then survey the poop deck, then...
'''Mrs. Puff''': And you are the only one who can save them!
SpongeBob: Stop! I know what to do! (SpongeBob put's a captain hat on) I read a book. Chapter 1, batten down the hatches. (SpongeBob closes the windows) Next, lower anchor. (the anchor gets caught) Oh no, the anchor's stuck! I'm going to have to free it manually! I'll be right back. (SpongeBob goes out and pulls on the anchor, until he frees it. He then goes back to the control room) Done, and Done! Thirdly, utter a hearty sea man's laugh. (SpongeBob laughs a hearty laugh)
'''SpongeBob''': The only one, that, can save, them?
Mrs. Puff: Oh, my gravy! He even knows the hearty laugh. He has been doing his homework.
'''Mrs. Puff''': Yes! Now, what I want you to do is, tighten the gurneys, then survey the poop deck, then...
SpongeBob: (Continues laughing, then finishes.) And finally, docro digra. The only way to park the largest ship ever built, is by performing the reverse 720 tale spin.
'''SpongeBob''': Stop! I know what to do! (puts a captain hat on) I read a book. Chapter 1, batten down the hatches. (closes the windows) Next, lower anchor. (the anchor gets caught) Oh no, the anchor's stuck! I'm going to have to free it manually! I'll be right back. (goes out and pulls on the anchor until he frees it. Goes back to the control room) Done and done! Thirdly, utter a hearty sea man's laugh. (laughs a hearty laugh)
Mrs. Puff: (gasps) But that's never even been attempted before!
'''Mrs. Puff''': Oh, my gravy! He even knows the hearty laugh. He has been doing his homework.
SpongeBob: You're right, it hasn't. Not until now! (SpongeBob does it, making the ship stop right before it hits Bikini Bottom. Both are relieved)
'''SpongeBob''': (continues laughing, then finishes) And finally, the coupe de grace. The only way to park the largest ship ever built, is by performing the reverse 720 tale spin.
Mrs. Puff: SpongeBob, I don't know how, but you did it! You saved us all! Let's get off this thing. ...and the way you pulled the anchor out, genius! I never thought I'd say this, but here's your driver's license!
'''Mrs. Puff''': (gasps) But that's never even been attempted before!
SpongeBob: (screams) Oh boy! At long last!
'''SpongeBob''': You're right, it hasn't. Not until now! (does the reverse 720 tale spin, making the ship stop right before it hits Bikini Bottom. Both are relieved)
Porter: What are you two doing here?
'''Mrs. Puff''': SpongeBob, I don't know how, but you did it! You saved us all! Let's get off this thing. ...and the way you pulled the anchor out, genius! I never thought I'd say this, but here's your driver's license!
SpongeBob & Mrs. Puff: Huh?
'''SpongeBob''': (screams) Oh boy! At long last!
Porter: No one should be on board while i'm tugging the museum into port.
'''Porter''': What are you two doing here?
Mrs. Puff: You mean he wasn't driving this thing at all?
'''SpongeBob and Mrs. Puff''': Huh?
Porter: Heck no! (Mrs. Puff tears up SpongeBob's driver's license. SpongeBob is dissapointed, and takes off his hat) Now don't get so down kid. Look, for your false bravery, I'm giving you you're honorary Sea Legs, okay. Come on, let me buy you an ice cream. (SpongeBob notices that the head lights are on.
'''Porter''': No one should be on board while I'm tugging the museum into port.
SpongeBob: Oh, gosh. (laughs) Head lights are on!
'''Mrs. Puff''': You mean he wasn't driving this thing at all?
Mrs. Puff & Porter: Don't touch anything, you twit! (SpongeBob runs up the stairs)
'''Porter''': Heck no! (Mrs. Puff tears up SpongeBob's driver's license. SpongeBob is disappointed, and takes off his hat) Now don't get so down kid. Look, for your false bravery, I'm giving you your honorary Sea Legs, okay. Come on, let me buy you an ice cream. (SpongeBob notices that the head lights are on.
Porter: Run! (they run, and the ship falls on top of them. Mrs. Puff puffs up at the top, and SpongeBob pops up)
'''SpongeBob''': Oh, gosh. (laughs) Head lights are on!
Mrs. Puff: Good thing you studied.
'''Mrs. Puff and Porter''': Don't touch anything, you twit! (SpongeBob runs up the stairs)
{{Transcripts/Season 6}}
'''Porter''': Run! (they run, and the ship falls on top of them. Mrs. Puff puffs up at the top, and SpongeBob pops up)
'''Mrs. Puff''': Good thing you studied.
{{Transcripts/Season 6 Ver. 2}}
[[Category:Episode Transcripts/Season 6]]
[[Category:Episode Transcripts/Season 6]]

Latest revision as of 04:12, 14 December 2022

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Penny Foolish Spongicus

Episode Article: Nautical Novice

[edit] Characters

[edit] Dialogue

(episode starts at Mrs. Puff's Boating School)

Mrs. Puff: Remember class, there is only one way to park a boat: the safe way. You now see the importance of proper steering, and a properly calibrated anchor. (no one is listening, except for SpongeBob, who is writing notes and putting them in his brain) Which brings us to the subject of rudder maintenance... (bell rings)

SpongeBob: Barnacles! Just as we were getting to the nitty ritty.

Mrs. Puff: Wait a minute, class! Remember, we will not be here tomorrow. We will be going on a field trip to the boating museum. Now, run along kids.

SpongeBob: Wow, the boating museum! Maybe tomorrow if I can impress Mrs. Puff with an extensive knowledge of boating history, she'll give me a boating license on the spot. (laughs, then pretends his desk is a boat. Goes out) See you tomorrow, Mrs. P.

Mrs. Puff: Neptune, give me strength! (bubbl-wipe to SpongeBob's house at night time)

SpongeBob: Let's see. Huh, there she is. (reaches for, and gets bumped on the head with, a big book called "The History of all Boating Ever...")

Gary: Meow. (SpongeBob gets the book off his head) Meow?

SpongeBob: What is this, Gary? Why, it's the complete history of all boating ever. And I'm going to memorize it tonight for the big field trip tomorrow.

Gary: Meow?

SpongeBob: I'm perfectly capable of reading 7,400 pages, and still getting my required 8 hours of sleep, before the bus picks me up promptly at 8 AM tomorrow. Now if you'll excuse me, I'd like to get started. (Gary goes away) All right, let's see what this little pamphlet is all about. (reading) "Chapter 1: In the beginning, Neptune created the sail..." (time card appears)

French Narrator: 7:59 A.M.

SpongeBob: (finishes reading) "...but such tragedies will be avoided, with the flying boat of the future. The end." (he is completely exhausted) Time for a little shut eye before... (falls asleep, then his alarm clock wakes him up) Mrs. Puff, can't this wait 'till tomorrow? (goes back to sleep, then wakes up) Hang on a minute, this is tomorrow! (runs out of his house, and sees the bus leaving) Hey, wait! Hey! (catches up with the boat) Mrs. Puff, please stop the bus! (knocks on window)

Bus Driver: What was that?

Mrs. Puff: Noting! Uhh... Just keep driving. (SpongeBob knocks again) Step on it! (bus driver does so)

SpongeBob: Wait! (disappears)

Mrs. Puff: Phew. (SpongeBob gets on the window, Mrs. Puff screams, and SpongeBob gets in the bus)

SpongeBob: No worries, I made it!

Mrs. Puff: SpongeBob? You look terrible!

SpongeBob: I assure you, I am well rested and ready to learn. Who knows Mrs. Puff, before the day is out, you may have learned something yourself. (Mrs. Puff smells his B.O., and sprays him with "Shower in a Can") Hey, Mrs. Puff?

Mrs. Puff: Yes, SpongeBob?

SpongeBob: I made this for you! (shows her a tiny boat)

Mrs. Puff: Made What?

SpongeBob: This. The HMS Pinafore. At 1 to 8,427 scale of course.

Mrs. Puff: Thank you, SpongeBob.

SpongeBob: Mrs. Puff?

Mrs. Puff: Yes, SpongeBob?

SpongeBob: Do you know how many rowers it takes to propel a tri-beam?

Mrs. Puff: Well, that would be...

SpongeBob: Do you know which boat is the fastest on record?

Mrs. Puff: Wasn't that the...

SpongeBob: Did you know that in the future, all boats will be powered by dolphin manure? Did you know that the HMS Blue Toes was originally a racing boat before it became the royal family's private yacht? Do you know what scuttling is? What's bigger, a flotilla or a fleet? (cuts to later) Ever been on a... (boat stops, and SpongeBob gets propelled on to the windshield)

Bus Driver: We're here. (SpongeBob melts, and then turns back to normal outside.)

Mrs. Puff: Welcome class, to the boating museum. This enormous vessel was once the largest in all the seas. But now that it's been converted into a museum, it no longer moves.

SpongeBob: Actually, it gets taken to port once a year for maintenance.

Mrs. Puff: If you don't mind, SpongeBob, I'll be doing the teaching today.

SpongeBob: No problemo, Mrs. P. (they walk into the museum)

Mrs. Puff: Here it is class, the most extensive collection of sea faring history ever assembled. From giant naval vessels, to more modest craft, like this clamming boat.

SpongeBob: I'd say this baby can hold up to ten clam fishers.

Mrs. Puff: Uhh... sure, SpongeBob.

SpongeBob: Why, I bet they reel in up to 50 clams a day.

Mrs. Puff: Moving on. Over here we have the Sandy Nub. It was a cargo ship used to bring back exotic spices from far away lands.

SpongeBob: (laughs) With 2 directing steam turbines, producing 6,500 horse power, geared up to triple screws. (snaps) It'll get your spices where they need to go.

Mrs. Puff: (angry) Thank you again, SpongeBob.

SpongeBob: It's working, she's noting my vast knowledge! I can now taste the sweet, sweet, lamination of a fresh boating license! (bubble-wipe to them walking up to another boat)

Mrs. Puff: This class, is the Lady Scallion...

SpongeBob: ...named after the captain's strict diet of scallions. Of which the crew complained, and the captain's odor strongly resembled. For four years, this brigantine explored distant lands, discovering places unknown to anyone besides the people who already lived there. (Mrs. Puff is very angry) Are you ready to give me that license yet, Mrs. Puff?

Mrs. Puff: Oh, you're gonna get it, all right!

SpongeBob: I knew it! (bubble-wipe to Mrs. Puff explaining about a boat, but SpongeBob has the class on the boat. She opens a charcoal oven, revealing that SpongeBob is in there. SpongeBob explains about some artifacts, then the field trip is over)

Mrs. Puff: Okay, this is the end of the tour. Any thing to add SpongeBob? SpongeBob? (notices SpongeBob is not there. He is in the control room of the boat)

SpongeBob: Ooh, boy! Here it is, the main controls. Just look at all this stuff. There's the triple oscillator, and there's the hoist pully, and there's the booby trap, and there's the long range mast knob, and there's a hot dog with extra mustard. (gasps) And there is the starter mechanism. (points at key, but then points at the air conditioning button) That, right there. "A/C." Hmmm. That's short for "automatic cositionada." And that's fancy, fancy talk for let's get this party started, like instantly! (presses it, then the air blows at him. Points it away from him, and the key accidentally goes in the starting position. The boat then starts) Phew, I'm glad that's over. (notices jellyfish) Oh, well that's a nice touch, what a soothing projection screen. (Mrs. Puff comes in)

Mrs. Puff: That's not a projection screen! (jumps in SpongeBob's lap) SpongeBob, stop it right now!

SpongeBob: Yes, ma'am. (puts it in turbo speed)

Mrs. Puff: Oh sweet Poseidon! Move aside! I've gotta stop this ship before it plows into Bikini Bottom. Uhh, let's see, the first thing to turn off is... Oh, dear Neptune, I've never driven anything this advanced before. SpongeBob, I hope you knew what you were talking about, because it's up to you now!

SpongeBob: Okay.

Mrs. Puff: We don't have much time, and if you mess this up, you'll be flattening millions of innocent lives!

SpongeBob: Innocent lives?

Mrs. Puff: And you are the only one who can save them!

SpongeBob: The only one, that, can save, them?

Mrs. Puff: Yes! Now, what I want you to do is, tighten the gurneys, then survey the poop deck, then...

SpongeBob: Stop! I know what to do! (puts a captain hat on) I read a book. Chapter 1, batten down the hatches. (closes the windows) Next, lower anchor. (the anchor gets caught) Oh no, the anchor's stuck! I'm going to have to free it manually! I'll be right back. (goes out and pulls on the anchor until he frees it. Goes back to the control room) Done and done! Thirdly, utter a hearty sea man's laugh. (laughs a hearty laugh)

Mrs. Puff: Oh, my gravy! He even knows the hearty laugh. He has been doing his homework.

SpongeBob: (continues laughing, then finishes) And finally, the coupe de grace. The only way to park the largest ship ever built, is by performing the reverse 720 tale spin.

Mrs. Puff: (gasps) But that's never even been attempted before!

SpongeBob: You're right, it hasn't. Not until now! (does the reverse 720 tale spin, making the ship stop right before it hits Bikini Bottom. Both are relieved)

Mrs. Puff: SpongeBob, I don't know how, but you did it! You saved us all! Let's get off this thing. ...and the way you pulled the anchor out, genius! I never thought I'd say this, but here's your driver's license!

SpongeBob: (screams) Oh boy! At long last!

Porter: What are you two doing here?

SpongeBob and Mrs. Puff: Huh?

Porter: No one should be on board while I'm tugging the museum into port.

Mrs. Puff: You mean he wasn't driving this thing at all?

Porter: Heck no! (Mrs. Puff tears up SpongeBob's driver's license. SpongeBob is disappointed, and takes off his hat) Now don't get so down kid. Look, for your false bravery, I'm giving you your honorary Sea Legs, okay. Come on, let me buy you an ice cream. (SpongeBob notices that the head lights are on.

SpongeBob: Oh, gosh. (laughs) Head lights are on!

Mrs. Puff and Porter: Don't touch anything, you twit! (SpongeBob runs up the stairs)

Porter: Run! (they run, and the ship falls on top of them. Mrs. Puff puffs up at the top, and SpongeBob pops up)

Mrs. Puff: Good thing you studied.

Transcripts Episodes
Season 1 Season 1
Season 2 Season 2
Season 3 Season 3
Season 4 Season 4
Season 5 Season 5
Season 6 Season 6
Season 7 Season 7
Season 8 Season 8
Season 9 Season 9
Season 10 Season 10
Season 11 Season 11
Season 12 Season 12
Season 13 Season 13
Season 14 Season 14
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