User talk:Michaelrox

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[edit] Intro

This is my talk page. Here you can write any comments about me, my page, my articles and any questions you may have!.

[edit] Hi... How to upload pics

Hi Michael!!! i am going 2 give you a factsheet on how to upload pictures, Use this and then you can upload pic and put them onto pages! Click here to find out!

[edit] Welcome!

hey there! im Stormy41992. welcome to SpongePedia! im also a friend of Andrewrox. thanks for the mention BTW. Stormy41992 05:10, 8 December 2007 (GMT)Stormy41992

[edit] RE: question

sure. look on the menu thats located on the left hand side of the page. in the toolbar, click upload picture. get a picture you saved on your PC, (by right clicking the picture and clicking Save As...), by clicking the "Browse" button. the 2nd one is done for you, and the 3rd one is optional. hope i helped! Stormy41992 04:33, 11 December 2007 (GMT)Stormy41992

[edit] Re:Question

Hey, yes i did send you that message. Sorry i forgot to sign it. if you want to sign your message then do the following thing:

On the editing bar at the near top of the editing page you will see a icon that looks like a signature. Click on that after you have submitted a comment and it will have your name and the time and date.

To upload a pic then simply click the upload file button, then get the file u wanna upload, then once its dun, copy the text of the file, put it on the page you want the pic on, then do one of these: |write: thumb, then do another one of these: | then write what side u want the pic to be on, then do another 1 of these: | then write what you want to call it. It should look like this:

2 of theese: [ Image:example.jpg|thumb|left, or right|mr. krabs skiing. then 2 more of these: ]]

If you are sittl stuck then click on the following link and when u get to it, press edit and you will see how it works. --Andrewrox 07:21, 11 December 2007 (GMT) The Link

[edit] RE: Question

anywhere on the internet. :) just right click it, select "Save As...", give it a name and where you want to put it, click "Save," and Bingo! Stormy41992 07:39, 13 December 2007 (GMT)Stormy41992

[edit] RE: Question

you shouldve given it a name when you saved it to your PC. ;) Stormy41992 08:59, 13 December 2007 (GMT)Stormy41992

[edit] Andrewrox Article Feedback

Hi Michael!. i would just like some feedback on my new and hyper improved Pearl Krabs article. originally it only had the top heading which had no title.! Now as soon as u see it, it has a huge info bar with a pic, 4 NEW and large headlines and more detail in the intro that is not under a headline.

For proof please do the following: compare the current revision with this revision:- Revision as of 01:43, 28 November 2007; to get to that just press the history button on the article.

I hope you like the article and place your comments on my talk page! --Andrewrox 00:56, 14 December 2007 (GMT)

[edit] SOOOO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Guess What!! Today my dad got back from Singapore today and guess what he found? official SpongeBob SquarePants Season 4 volume 1 and 2 Boxsets, and official SpongeBob SquarePants Season 5 volume 1 Boxsets!!! They are official ones, not pirate, but real ones (Like my previous Season 1, 2 and 3 boxsets)!!! Now I have all DVD Boxsets released that are real and official!!!!!!!!! I have never been happier!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! --Andrewrox Talk 01:45, 15 April 2008 (BST)
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